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29 March 2019

How to haq

by adamt

Talk 1/n for UNSW SecSoc on basic into to binary exploitation

Prereqs to reading this

  1. Assume you know how to write and compile C code
  2. Assume you are somewhat familiar with gcc and the linux command line
  3. Would help to have some knowledge of gdb & assembly but not required
  4. This will cover linux 32bit stuff

How to haq

  1. How does C work
  2. How do computers work
  3. How do I break computers


Fast forward to part 3

A few questions before we start

  1. What does the following code do
  2. What’s wrong with it?
  3. How can we, without changing the source, call the function notcalled()?
#include <stdio.h>

void notcalled() {

void echo() {
    char buffer[16];

    printf("Enter some text\n");
    printf("You entered %s\n", buffer);

int main() {
    return 0;

Back to part 2: How do computer work?

Let’s start with some basics

lets start by looking at the typical memory layout of a C program, in particular the stack, it’s contents and job during fuction calls and returns.

Photoshoot time…

Memory layout of a running process


put something here about little endianness


The stack is used by the program for

The stack is a LIFO structure, it grows downward in memory (from high addresses to lower addresses) as new functions are called.
Every function gets its own section of the stack, to store its local variables


The heap is …

The heap grows upwards in memory(from lower to higher memory addresses) as more and more memory is required.

Uninitialised Data (BSS)

Initialised data segment


This is the fun section where all your executable code lives (as assembly)



Instruction Pointer

The instruction pointer register stores the address of the next instruction to be executed by the CPU
After every instruction, this is incremented

Stack Pointer

The stack pointer stores the address of the top of the current stackframe (will describe below what a stackframe is)
This is the address of the last element on the stack
Since the stack grows down from high addresses to low addresses, ESP points to the value in the stackframe at the lowest memory address.

Base Pointer

The base pointer is usually set to ESP at the start of a function.
This is done to keep tab of function paramaters and local variables, as ESP is constantly changing, EBP will always point to the top of the stackframe.

Local variables are stored below EBP and Function paramaters are stored above EBP





From wikipedia:

An assembly language (or assembler language),[1] often abbreviated asm,
is any low-level programming language in which there is a very strong
correspondence between the program's statements and the architecture's
machine code instructions.

x86 assembly

From wikipedia:

x86 assembly language is a family of backward-compatible assembly languages,
which provide some level of compatibility all the way back to the Intel 8008
introduced in April 1972......

Like all assembly languages, it uses short mnemonics to represent the
fundamental instructions that the CPU in a computer can understand and follow.

Import x86 instructions

x86 has some cool instructions that make it easy for us to manipulate the stack

Some cool maths instructions

Jumping around instructions

And other stuff which isn’t really important rn

Function calls / C -> assembly

Consider the following C code..

void func(int a, int b) {   
    int c = 10 * a;          // 4. Now EIP points here
    int d = 10 * b;

int main() { 
    func(1, 2);              // 1. EIP points here at beginning
    return 0;                // 3. This is the return address of func
  1. The program starts with the EIP register pointing to the start of main
  2. A function call is found, so the arguments to the function are pushed onto the stack in reverse order, So 2 will be pushed, and then 1.
  3. Before the function func is called, we need to know where to return after it is finished executing, so a return address is pushed onto the stack last, this address points to the next thing to be executed after func (look above)
  4. Now find the addres of func, and set EIP equal to it. Now func is executing
  5. Right now, EBP points to the bottom of mains stackframe, and ESP points to the top
  6. The new function needs to setup a stackframe to store its local variables, so it does so by saving EBP onto the stack (by pushing it) then updating EBP to point to ESP. Now EBP points to the current stack pointer.
  7. As we allocate local variables, they are pushed onto the stack, and as such, ESP is incremented.
  8. The stack looks something like below
Stack at step 7
Ram                          |     Registers                    
0x10: local var c            |    <--- [EBP] - 8  <---- [ESP]        
0x20: local var d            |    <--- [EBP] - 4
0x30: mains saved EBP        |    <---  EBP
0x40: return value for func  | 
0x50: paramater 1            |    <--- [EBP] + 8
0x60: paramater 2            |    <--- [EBP] + 12 
0x70: ...mains stack frame   |
0x80: .                      |
0x90: ..                     |
0xA0: ...                    |

How do I break computers?

What is a buffer overflow?


tl;dr: Buffer overflow means you have control to enter data into a buffer(array), past the end of the array.

From what we learnt on the stack/stackframe above, we know that all local variables are stored onto the stack, so if we overflow a buffer, our data/input will continue over into the other variables.. Let’s do a fun example

Shitty little login program

Binary located here

void login() {
    int is_admin = 0;
    char username[16];

    if (is_admin) {
        printf("You now have admin permissions");
    } else {
        printf("You aren't an admin");

This is a clean example of how we can corrupt data structures with buffer overflows. But it gets more fun…

Part 3 finally

#include <stdio.h>

void notcalled() {

void echo() {
    char buffer[16];

    printf("Enter some text\n");
    printf("You entered %s\n", buffer);

int main() {
    return 0;

